I have been writing for sometime on the failures of our
government in providing a democratic leadership for the provision of
public services and the supporting conditions for economic
development. My emphasis has concentrated in health care, but we
have problems all over the horizon: business, agriculture, crown
corporations, and what is worse education. Education is the
foundation for sustaining the long run economic viability of the
province, and it appears to be in a more precarious situation than
health care. Our Premier Romanow promised that Saskatchewan would be
the shining light to the world and that "...the time for mortgaging
our children's future is over. The time for building their future is
here...."(1). Our politicians have nothing to show but their
rhetorical assets, while in fact we get the mastering art of
"...lowering expectations..."(2), and "...poor leadership, no
decision-making and dishonest, uncaring, uncompassionate
government..."(3) Our tin pot dictators have taken position all over
the province, and now are undermining the new generation by
continuing the degradation of our educational system. Again, one of
the most important reasons for such degradation in our universities
is "...the current military-style, top-down structure that is
proving so inefficient, so destructive to good morale and so
wasteful of taxpayer money..."(4)
After acknowledging that Saskatchewan students scored low in a
1998 literacy test, Darryl Hunter, Education Department Official,
commented "...We know here in Saskatchewan our students are not
getting to some of the higher levels of creative and critical
thinking..."(5) Instead to address the literacy problem by thinking
critically and constructively(6), the education department is going
to fix this problem with a new province wide language arts
curriculum. This is what Saskatchewan requires, an additional
top-down fragmentation of our curriculums for enhancing the creative
and critical thinking of our students; I wonder how our students can
express their creative thinking under the current assembly line
management of our classrooms, and how they can enhance their
critical thinking when our own leaders have no clue of what critical
thinking is(7). I am acquiring the understanding that our
educational leaders are a good match for their health care
counterparts: they are both emperors with no clothes. Our school
system doesn't require a new curriculum, we require a change of
mind, to go back to the understanding of the epistemological
foundations of knowledge and the nature of learning (8) (9) (10),
and come up with an educational vision supporting the later success
and societal contribution of our children.
1. Saskatchewan New Democrats Home Page, as at March 14, 1999
2. It's about that vision thing Mr. Premier, by Randy Burton, The
StarPhoenix, February 4, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
3. Letter to The StarPhoenix: Agriculture minister acting like
lawyers do, by Evan Asseltine of Glaslyn, SK. The StarPhoenix,
January 12, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
4. U of S hassles force early exits, by Robert A. Carlson, The
StarPhoenix, March 11, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
5. Sask. Students score low grade in literacy, By Kevin O'Connor,
The StarPhoenix, March 11, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
6. Refer to Mario deSantis' articles on System Dynamics published
in the North Central Internet News http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantis35/SysDyn-Feb21-99.htm
7. Refer to the board trustee infighting saga over the proposed
$10 million-$16 million new Education Centre in Saskatoon. February
and March articles in The StarPhoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
8. Need of Transformational Changes in Saskatchewan: The
biological origin of cognition and implications for Education,by
Mario deSantis, September 27,1998 http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantis11/desantis11.html
9. John Dewey (The Father of Modern Education) http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-dewey.htm
The Center for Dewey Studies http://www.siu.edu/~deweyctr/
10. THE CHILDREN'S MACHINE: Rethinking School in the Age of the
Computer, by Seymour Papert, 1993 Basic Books, New York (This page
was produced by Elizabeth Murphy) http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~elmurphy/emurphy/papert.html