I read the article "Info-tech questionable
investment(1)" where Murray Mandryk questions the effectiveness of
the recent implementation of Information Technologies by the
Saskatchewan Government. In particular, Mandryk makes reference to
the Saskatchewan Health Information Network (SHIN) project, the
SaskPower's Delta project and the new Land Titles' software system.
Mandryk is very timid in his intimation that these projects have
fallen short of expectations. The SHIN project has not fallen behind
expectation, it has been a complete disaster which we have depicted
as a hole in the ground(2). But there is more to this Information
Technology flop: when Gord Nystuen resigned as CEO of SHIN he
admitted that funds were diverted to cover the Y2K nightmares of the
health districts(3). These big brains not only dig holes into the
grounds but in bypassing the mandate of their corporation they break
the law. And as this is not enough punishment for the public these
same big brains are rewarded with new positions within businesses
close to the present political leadership(4).
As the Delta project is concerned, SaskPower anticipates that the
implementation of the SAP AG's software will cost $55.6 million and
produce $131.7 million in benefits. The cost for the new Land Titles
software system has ballooned to $47.5 million from $20 million,
however our reductionist bureaucrats are anticipating savings by
displacing close to 140 employees and extracting the marginal
resources from the leftover 80 employees. I can just imagine the
eagerness of the surviving employees to go to work for an
organization which pays more attention to machines than to the care
of its people. In the meantime, the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers claims that its members are being either overpaid
or underpaid since the new SAP payroll system went on stream last
August. This problem seems to be analogous to the one experienced by
the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) in the
processing of retroactive pay for the Saskatchewan Nurses(5).
The bean counters have claimed benefits of at least $58 million
per year for the SHIN project(6), $131.7 million for the Delta
project and $38 million over ten years for SAHO's payroll(7). The
benefits in the implementation of the Land Titles software system
include $27.5 million overspending to grease the global high
technological businesses. Premier Romanow has stated prior to
election time that the opposition party can't add up numbers(8), but
now that I hear these figures I have the impression that our leaders
have shifted their tactic from playing magic(9) to tossing fat
numbers and playing the lottery. These bean counters have been shown
to be professional liars(10) and unable to understand how to create
wealth in the Knowledge Economy(11). New push button computer
systems per se don't create new wealth, it is the accumulated
knowledge of the employees, the sharing of their innovative ideas
and their continuous learning which provide wealth to our
organizations. Therefore, the alliance of our bureaucracy with the
gigantic SAP AG software business could be interpreted as another
orchestrated design of our leaders to dilute and minimize all the
internal shortcomings of our organizations within the maze of
international relationships with global businesses(12). Again, our
leaders shift the blame of their shortcomings to outside entities
and in doing so they perpetuate a management philosophy of "break
and conquer" and utter confusion for the benefit of the few and
privileged. I have already mentioned in previous articles, that our
present leaders "...can't recognize an asset from a hole in the
ground(13)..."; as a consequence, it is time that we have a change
of political leadership and the opportunity to create wealth through
the talents of our own people, rather than through push button
computers or mausoleums(14).
1. Info-tech questionable investment, by Murray Mandryk, FORUM,
The StarPhoenix, December 2, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2. Health Reform in Saskatchewan: Digging Holes in the Ground, by
Mario deSantis and reviewed by James deSantis, October 20, 1999
3. Saskatchewan Health Information Network: Gord Nystuen leaves
his post to cover his assets, by Mario deSantis, October 23, 1999
4. Gord Nystuen, previous CEO of SHIN, has recently joined the
Paradigm Consulting Group of Regina, Saskatchewan
5. Healthcare Payroll and SAHO's Big Brains, by Mario deSantis,
November 20, 1999
6. Saskatchewan Health Information Network, Backgrounder, Benefit
Analysis and savings of $58M to 114M, by Ernst & Young, March 98
7. SAHO Payroll Policies: Saving Money out of Ongoing
Catastrophes, by Mario deSantis, February 9, 1999
8. Premier Roy Romanow: Balancing the Budgets & Downsizing
Education, by Mario deSantis, September 10, 1999
9. Premier Romanow's Latest Magics: Shuffling Numbers &
Mysterious Bank Account, by Mario deSantis, May 15, 1999
10. Saskatchewan Healthcare: Using Researches to Blatantly Lie to
the Public, by Mario deSantis, November 27, 1999
11. Calculating Knowledge Capital. No mumbo-jumbo. Here's a
simple method for deriving the value of intellectual assets. By Paul
Strassmann http://www.strassmann.com/pubs/km/calc-km.html
12. Insider probe continues to dog SAP, by Earl McGuire, Special
to ZDNN, June 3, 1997 4:00 PM PDT. An excerpt of this report
"...Although Frankfurt prosecutors are now focusing on four lower
level employees, Germany's securities trading authorities said
records showed five upper level executives sold shares in the month
before SAP's stock plummeted last fall. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/content/zdnn/0603/zdnn0011.html
13. TRYING TO GRASP THE INTANGIBLE: The assets that really count
are the ones accountants can't count--yet. Here's one way to put a
dollar value on corporate knowledge. Thomas A. Stewart, Join Tom
Stewart in the Fortune Forum on CompuServe (GO FFORUM) or by E-mail:
14. The U of S Synchrotron: A Mausoleum for a Museum Mentality,
by Mario deSantis, November 16, 1999 |