Wednesday afternoon, April 12, I watched on TV a portion of the
legislative proceedings(1) where Saskatchewan Party MLA Rod
Gantefoer was questioning Honourable Judy Junor, Associate Minister
of Health, on the Saskatchewan Health Information Network (SHIN).
Judy Junor was flanked by her department senior officials and I
immediately recognized among them Neil Gardner, Executive Director
of Corporate Information and Technology. Judy Junor, not only
defended the SHIN project but was proud of having been close to this
project since the time she was appointed to the board of SHIN.
We have to understand that most of our governmental leaders are
phony and in this respect I have dealt with Premier Roy Romanow(2),
Deputy Premier Dwain Lingenfelter(3) and his wife Louise Simard(4),
Minister of Economic Development Janice MacKinnon(5), and I have
dealt at length with Minister of Health Pat Atkinson(6). Honourable
Judy Junor(7) is a phony leader as well, and under the questioning
of Gantefoer she would babble the related answers provided by the
expert: Neil Gardner. I met Neil Gardner back in 1991 when he was
Associate Deputy Minister of Health under the Conservative
government. At that time I was implementing microcomputer health
care payroll in Gravelbourg and I asked him if he wanted a report on
microcomputer payroll(8). Gardner replied "I need it yesterday."
Later, in 1993, I met with Gardner again and I proposed potential
business opportunities in the field of healthcare payroll,
accounting and employee scheduling. Gardner replied "wait two three
months when the new health care infrastructure will be defined and
there will be opportunities for everybody."
As we know, SHIN has been another mausoleum since it was
designed, and today, at the legislature, Gardner and Junor have been
defending this big flop by saying that SHIN is the infrastructure
within which all future new technologies will be implemented,
including telehealth(9). In accordance to these experiences, I can
define Gardner's leadership in meeting the future challenges of
information technologies in these few words "don't do anything
today, and do tomorrow what you had to do yesterday."
We have shown in our past articles that health care is mismanaged
in Saskatchewan and across Canada, and that our health economists
and researchers have been a strong cause of this failing health care
system(10). I also pointed out that every province has been
implementing health care information networks and I deduced that
most of such networks were possibly obsolete systems(11)(12). At the
legislature, Judy Junor has been giving the run around to Gantefoer.
Junor has stated that SHIN was established in 1997. Yes, it is true,
it was established in 1997 as a crown corporation, but prior to 1997
and as early as 1994 Saskatchewan Health and the Saskatchewan
Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) had been continuously
confabulating and spending an enormous amount of money on the
implementation of the health care Information Technology
Architecture and the creation of SHIN.
In 1995, Saskatchewan Health stated that the implementation of
Phase 1 of the Architecture will provide general efficiencies in the
range between $43 million and $106 million annually(13). Also, in
1995, Saskatchewan Health had a detailed timeline of the Health
System Architecture Projects, yet such timeline and projects were
not maintained(14) and in this respect the Provincial Auditor warned
the government that a high percentage of large IT development
projects are cancelled, late or over budget(15). In addition, Junor
has stated that " we assisted the districts in Y2K preparation so
that what they bought was compatible with the whole provincial
infrastructure of information technology," and this is the deceptive
way this minister is covering up the diversion of money from SHIN to
Y2K preparation(16). The mountain of lies is getting bigger and more
fragile as more people begin to question the integrity of this
government and the integrity of the health care system.
Quote by Donella Meadows "challenging a paradigm is not a
part-time job. It is not sufficient to make your point once and then
blame the world for not getting it. The world has a vested interest
in, a commitment to, not getting it. The point has to be made
patiently and repeatedly, day after day after day"
General reference: Articles by Mario deSantis published by North
Central Internet News
1. COMMITTEE OF FINANCE, General Revenue Fund, Health,
Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, Vote 32, April 12, 2000
2. Premier Romanow: A Jackass Makes Phony Peace With The
Saskatchewan Nurses, by Mario deSantis, August 31, 1999
3. Honourable Dwain Lingenfelter has been caught lying, by Mario
deSantis, January 29, 2000
4. A dangerous turn in the history of SAHO: from Hewitt Helmsing
to Louise Simard, by Mario deSantis, April 11, 2000
5. Honourable Janice MacKinnon and the NDP Government:
Spin-doctoring the Truth, by Mario deSantis, February 21, 2000
6. Minister of Health Pat Atkinson and Health Indicators: "There
are lies, damned lies, and statistics" By Mario deSantis, March 24,
7. Technological changes in Saskatchewan health care: an abysmal
disaster, by Mario deSantis, May 27, 1999
PAYROLL, by Mario deSantis, October 24, 1990
9. A question for Minister of Health Pat Atkinson: How much money
is costing Telehealth? By Mario deSantis, March 15, 2000
10. A Partial Diagnosis of Health Care Corruption: The Quality
Circle of the Big Brains Includes Our Renown Health Economists, by
Mario deSantis, March 9, 2000
11. Healthcare crisis is a crisis of participatory democracy, by
Mario deSantis, January 30, 2000
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, Manitoba government news releases, February 4,
13. Managing Information Technology, Information Technology
Architecture Overview, April, 1995, Saskatchewan Health, page 8.3
14. Brief overview of the meeting of July 15, 1996 between Brian
Rourke, Chairperson of SAHO, Arliss Wright, President and CEO of
SAHO, and Mario deSantis of DigiCare
15. Report of the Provincial Auditor, Saskatchewan, 1997 Report,
chapter 3 page 62.
16. Saskatchewan Health Information Network-SHIN: Ignoring its
mandate and diverting money for the Y2K Nightmare, by Mario deSantis,
November 3, 1999