Last night, I read Dr. Bob Russel's transcripts of his presentation
to the SGI's Review Panel of no-fault motor vehicle insurance(1). In
his presentation, Dr. Russel states that SGI provides cookbook type
of medicine and treatment to injured people and that there are SGI's
adjusters who have an attitudinal problem by assuming their injured
clients are malingerers.
We know that SGI has been breaking human rights against their
injured clients by systemically harassing them by denying benefits,
by providing wrong treatments, by making false statements, and by
putting them under surveillance(2). SGI has a monopolistic insurance
market in Saskatchewan and their administrative and legislative
system resembles one of tyranny and dictatorship where the system is
more important of the individual and where individual rights are
infringed upon for the sake of maintaining the system.
In essence, in Saskatchewan, we have a leadership who carry in
their brains a mausoleum mentality. We must break down Premier Roy
Romanow's myth that the system is more worth than individual rights.
The system is not more worth than the individual, and former
Saskatchewan prosecutor Serge Kujawa was wrong when back in 1991 he
said "It doesn't matter if Milgaard is innocent... The whole
judicial system is at issue-it's worth more than one person(3)."
Therefore, today, I am pleased to hear that in Southern
California, prosecutors plan to take the unprecedented step of
offering free DNA tests to some inmates, even though the results
might overturn convictions(4). The pursuit of justice is beyond the
prosecutors' interest to seek a conviction at any cost or to wrongly
convict people. And Lisa Weinreb, a deputy district attorney in San
Diego, has stated "We hope we don't find anybody who was wrongfully
convicted. If we do, we're going to take some heat. So be it. It's
more important that we make sure nobody has been wrongfully
convicted." This is a quite a different perspective of justice as
interpreted and sustained by former prosecutor Serge Kujawa and his
friend and colleague Premier Roy Romanow.
The system is not more worth than one person's rights. And let us
hope that our leadership and government will be able to understand
this new paradigm of thinking and make the needed changes to give us
back our own individual freedom and specifically a democratic
automobile insurance system.
1. Transcripts of DR. R. RUSSELL , DR. D. CASSIDY, and DR. P.
COTE at the PIPP review hearings, June 15, 2000
2. Transcripts Of Our First Public Review Of No-Fault In Regina!
Transcripts Of Our Second Public Review Of No-Fault In Saskatoon!
Transcripts Of Our Third Public Review Of No-Fault In Prince Albert!
3. A Mother's Story: The Fight To Free My Son David, by Joyce
Milgaard with Peter Edwards, Doubleday Canada Limited, 1999, page
4. Inmates will be offered free DNA tests, Daily
Briefing, 27 Jul 2000 02:22:31 MDT