Learning Stories
Mario deSantis


deSantis Stories

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my country.” - -The Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960

The whole judicial system is at issue, it's worth more than one person.”--Serge Kujawa, Saskatchewan Crown Prosecutor, 1991

The system is not more worth than one person's rights.”--Mario deSantis, 2002

Ensign Stories © Mario deSantis and Ensign


We have been uncovering the misdeeds of our Premier Romonaw's 'no-faultland.' The 'no-faultland' was an extended attribute Timothy Shire placed on our government when after so many despicable economic policies he realized that even human rights were being violated in Saskatchewan(1). And when Premier Romanow announced his intention to leave his premiership, our Prime Minister Jean Chrétien hailed him as a great Canadian and friend and felt disappointed that Premier Romanow would not run as a Liberal for the upcoming election.

Mr. Romanow and Mr. Chrétien are for sure friends, and as friends they share what is most at heart in today's political arena: pure correlated corruption. They are both two statistical speculators who use their smartness not on behalf of the electorate but on behalf of their own self-interests and against the electorate.

Last year, Premier Romanow called a provincial election when the pre electoral opinion polls showed an assured victory over the Saskatchewan Party; but as the results came out Romanow received a surprise and his NDP Party didn't get the majority of the votes. Today, Prime Minister Chrétien has called an election prematurely for the simple reason that recent opinion polls show his Liberal Party to lead by an astronomic margin over any other party. Again, let us hope that Mr. Chrétien will have a surprise, just the same or worse as Premier Romanow got last year. As we all should know by now, the Liberal Party has created a textured corrupted environment and Canada has become a mockery of democracy.

After reading the article "All together now: Get out of my way!(2)" I am convinced that we must go to the polls and vote against Jean Chrétien. That is, we have reached a level of democracy whereby we don't have to vote for the party reflecting our values, but we must now vote for any party but Mr. Chrétien's Liberal. We must vote all together now so that Mr. Chrétien gets out of our way! The above article by Mark Steyn is sarcastic and humorous and while I hope you have the time to read it, I am going to pass along this salient excerpt:

"If the government chooses to build lavish golf resorts in Gander, that's a matter of spending priorities, and, if other parties disagree, then they should formulate their own golf policies. Likewise, if it were the case that one Quebec riding were getting more funding than three Western provinces combined, that might just be a particularly extreme example of targeted investment. But, when the riding in question happens to be the Prime Minister's, that's corrupt. When projects in that riding are pre-approved before the application's been put in, that's corrupt. When the Auditor-General issues a report on it and a Parliamentary committee is prevented from questioning him because the ruling party's placemen sabotage the meeting, that's piling corruption upon corruption."

And, if the above excerpt didn't convince you for whom not to vote, then refer to what Alan Stanley has said:

"I am disgusted with everything Mr. Chrétien stands for and everything he does. He is an arrogant mule who won the last two elections by default, the first as an anti-Mulroney protest vote and the second as a beneficiary of a split right-wing vote. This man and his party are an Ontario government that believes it has a national mandate(3)."

I didn't make up my mind yet for whom to vote, but I have made up my mind for whom not to vote, did you?


Articles by Mario deSantis 

1. No-faultland, by Timothy Shire, July 4, 2000 http://www.FTLCOMM.com/ensign/SGI/no-faultPAhearing/no-faultland.html

2. All together now: Get out of my way! By Mark Steyn, October 23, 2000, National Post http://www.nationalpost.com/commentary/story.html?f=/stories/20001023/437464.html

3. And they're off, by Alan Stanley, letter of October 21, 2000, National Post http://www.nationalpost.com/search/story.html?f=/stories/20001021/436997.html