"Free trade as managed by the World Trade Organization... is
largely the freedom of the fox in the henhouse"--Susan
George, Social Activist
Our Experts in India
Novelist Arundhati Roy explains how India lives in several centuries
at the same time and objects to the present globalization drive of
the World Trade Organization (WTO). She asks the question on how
liberalized imports of agricultural goods can help the 700 million
people living in rural areas when there is already an over
production of these goods in the country. She refers to Enron's
energy projects in India and to its supposedly legal $30-billion
contract with the Maharashtra State Electricity Board entailing
gross profits between $12 billion and $14 billion. And again she
asks if we should give the experts the role to plan and make
decisions for more electricity dams. World leaders continue their
push for globalization and say that it will work if we have the
right institutions, the right governance in place, good laws and
honest politicians; but Roy says that if we have in place all such
things everything would work, socialism, capitalism and you name it.
She says that we need a new kind of politics, a politics of
opposition, a politics of accountability, and that the only thing
worth to globalize is the kind of dissent India displayed against
Reference: Shall We Leave It to the Experts? Enron's Power
Project in India Demonstrates Who Benefits from Globalization, by
Arundhati Roy, Published in the February 18, 2002 issue of The
Nation http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0203-03.htm
Statistical Polls
Playwriter Bill Davis highlights the difference between approval
rate at the polls and leadership for changing the world for the
better, to have peace. President Bush is telling people we have been
victorious in the war in Afghanistan, but he still reminds us that
we are vulnerable to more attacks and therefore we need more bombs
and more homeland defense. Bill Davis concludes that a victory
without peace is only a victory at the polls and not a victory for
the people.
Reference: Does Approval Rate?, by Bill C. Davis, February 3,
2002 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0203-06.htm
Bush and Sharon agree on the war against the axis without
looking at their axis first
It is refreshing to read Eric Margolis' sharp articles as he doesn't
describe political events but he builds patterns of relationship
among these historical events. Bush's 'axis of evil' is a term
coming out of a comic book rather than by an understanding of
international affairs. Bush's crusade against evil appears to take
the form of a crusade against the Muslims as Bush aligns his foreign
policies with those of general Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of
Israel. Margolis explains the faulty American policies in the Middle
East and concludes that America and Israel should look at themselves
in the mirror and destroy their own weapons of mass destruction
before going to war against the 'axis of evil.'
Reference: Bush and Sharon Agree on Policy, by Eric Margolis,
Published on Sunday, February 3, 2002 in the Toronto Sun http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0203-07.htm
Bushing foreign policies in the Middle East
The United States policies in the Middle East are hurting the
possibilities of peace. While the US and Israel advertise to the
world the capture of a ship with arms allegedly destined for the
Palestinian Authority, they continue a policy of repression as
Israel is using most sophisticated military operations to occupy
Palestine land, kill civilians and keep Yasser Arafat under siege.
Reference: Middle East Peace Process. U.S. Approach Hurts All
Parties, by Ali Abunimah, Published on Sunday, February 3, 2002 in
the Philadelphia Inquirer http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0203-04.htm
A new arms race: Europe's cry for more arms to fight American
The spiral of war and terrorism is increasing as NATO
Secretary-General Lord Robertson is responding to U.S. escalation of
military spending with this warning "American critics of Europe's
military incapability are right. So, if we are to ensure that the
United States moves neither towards unilateralism nor isolationism,
all European countries must show a new willingness to develop
effective crisis management capabilities."
Reference: NATO's Lord Robertson warns of U.S. unilateralism,
2002-02-04 / Associated Press / http://www.etaiwannews.com/World/2002/02/04/1012790128.htm
Another World is Possible
Susan George is most critical of the globalization preached by the
WTO and their friends and says that the world didn't change on
September 11 as we still have half the world living on less than $2
a day. We have thirty thousand children dying daily and this
condition is contrasted with western television reminding of our
failures to capture the New World Order of new technologies. She
says that the mood is changing and people no longer believe Margaret
Thatcher's TINA "There Is No Alternative." Another world is
Reference: Another World Is Possible, by Susan George, Published
in the February 18, 2002 issue of The Nation http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0201-01.htm |