We have found sometime ago that some $1 trillion* of dirty money is
embedded into the $10 trillion American economy, and a consequence
of the magnitude of this social corruption we cannot narrow down our
own problems to the fight against terrorism. Therefore, we must
fight our social corruption first as dirty money is generated by
criminal activity.
The Bush administration's contention that terrorism is different
from criminal activity compounds our own embedded problems as dirty
money doesn't distinguish between terrorism and criminal activity.
The Bush administration's failure to recognize terrorism as a
criminal activity prevents this same administration to realize that
the same American allies, or America itself, maybe terrorist states.
So, our Bush administration policies will continue to be based on
geopolitical stability, which means: just keep the peace by waging
enduring or infinite wars.
Another embedded social problem which is the result of the
neoclassical thinking of most of our leaders is the push for smaller
governments and related privatization of public services. Now, as I
watched CNN this morning I noticed that California governor Gray
Davis will close down five privately run prisons. I support the
closures of these prisons, but I don't like the governor Davis'
cited administrative saving of $5 million as the reason for such
closures. What we must understand is that if you privatize prisons,
there is an underlying motive to make a profit out of the prison and
crime industry, and as a consequence as we have better streamlined
privately run prisons so we are going to have the manufacturing of
more prisoners, which in turn will trigger more prisons. This is the
crazy world of our Free Market, the embedded driving forces for
social inequality, social corruption and social criminality.
As Saskatchewan is concerned we have experienced a Romanow's
government which downsized Saskatchewan to greatness. And today the
situation is even worse as Saskatchewan has lost its young
population by the thousands and as the Calvert's government is going
to downsize its public administration not for the sake of
privatization but for the well known Saskatchewan approach to save
money by saving money with the result of spending more money.
We must understand that we don't have an ultimate social and
economic reality called 'the competitive market", yet all of our
governments have strategic plans for becoming smaller in accordance
to "the competitive market" as if there was an economic mathematical
formula to achieve economic growth because of "the competitive
market". Instead to follow "the competitive market", we must look
after the institutions supporting "the competitive market" and
change these institutions as they generate the present inequality
and corruption. Our social problems are not corrected by "the
competitive market" but by changing the institutional system
supporting the current competitive market.
*Note (dated July 9, 2006):
"some $1 trillion" should be replaced by "some $500-$750 billion"
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
Where are the criminals Mr. President George Bush?, by Mario
deSantis, March 11, 2002 http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantisArticles/2002_600/desantis602/criminals.html
Davis to Close State's Privately Run Prisons. Funding: Elected
with the help of $2.3 million from guards' union, governor includes
plan in budget. By David Morain, March 15, 2002 Los Angeles Times
of Saskatchewan, March 14, 2002 Executive Council - 155 http://www.gov.sk.ca/newsrel/2002/03/14-155.html
SASKATCHEWAN 1996 & 2001 CENSUS POPULATION http://www.gov.sk.ca/bureau.stats/pop/census9601.pdf
Making money is not creating wealth Mr. Premier Romanow. "Our
government is out of touch with people and is continuing with
economic policy directions based on shifting the blame, based on
more and more consulting studies, and based on saving money." By
Mario deSantis, February 8 2000 http://ensign.ftlcomm.com/desantisArticles/2000/desantis111/WealthMoney.html
Ontology, Epistemology, Language and the Practice of Economics
Warren J. Samuels (Michigan State University, USA), post-autistic
economics review, Issue no. 12;2002 http://www.btinternet.com/~pae_news/review/issue12.htm |