"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."--Mark
I am fed up with the business models of our neoclassical
economists and their economic predictions. I mentioned in earlier
articles that these economic predictions are self-fulfilling
prophecies of our free marketeers for a freer market on behalf of
the few and privileged. As long as we use economic predictions
funded and predicted by Corporate America we will never have a civil
society, instead we will have an ever unequal society divided
between our corporate predictors and everybody else.
I find the term Prediction and the related
emphasis on being rational highly manipulative for directing our
social and economic growth. Therefore, we must change our way of
using logical and mathematical predictions to support our social and
economic growth and we must be reminded that we must create our
future through civil participation, listening to one another,
learning from each other, and making decisions not because of the
results of mathematical formulations but because of our creative
President Bush is not ratifying the Kyoto's treaty for the
reduction of greenhouse emissions since his predictions for
complying with this treaty are evidence that millions of jobs will
be lost, that the GDP will be cut. Since when predictions have
become evidence? So we have Bush's predictions that the Kyoto's
treaty is too expensive and that it would cut into the GDP
stimulated by waging wars abroad. Bush's predictions and wars go
hand in hand and this is terribly wrong, and I wonder if this
emphasis in making predictions is the result of the Enronization of
Corporate America, the Enronization of business models peddled by
Harvard University, the Enronization of economic globalization, the
Enronization of our governments, the Enronization of justice.
In Canada, our copycatting provincial premiers are against
ratifying the Kyoto's treaty as these premiers echo in unison Bush's
predictions of a decline in the GDP and a decline in our business
competitiveness at a time of economic recession.
It is not expensive to comply with the Kyoto's treaty for the
reduction of greenhouse emissions, and besides, Bush's predictions
don't include the social and environmental costs of pollution such
as the premature deaths of people, the increase of respiratory
illnesses, the contamination of water...
President Bush forces his predicted decisions with the supreme
power of his private government, with the supreme power of his
military, and with the supreme power of his supreme justices at the
Supreme Court. But social decisions should not be the result of the
Bush administration's supreme predictions, rather, social decisions
should be the result of our creative work to look for solutions for
a better world. Compliance with the Kyoto's treaty is only too
expensive for the few and privileged, it is only too expensive for
our energy corporations, corporations which are looking for
immediate profits by selling energy on the stock market rather than
providing energy services through innovation and alternate sources.
Bush's prediction that compliance with the Kyoto's treaty is too
expensive is wrong and to prove that Bush is wrong, John Browne, BP
chief executive, has recently mentioned that his company has met its
self-imposed target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions nearly
eight years ahead of schedule, and at no net cost to the company.
And John Browne has stated "that achievement is the product not
of a single magic bullet but of hundreds of different initiatives
carried through by tens of thousands of people across BP over the
last five years."
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
An Oil Company Proves Bush Wrong On Climate Change. CEO
John Browne Demands Government Help. By Seth Dunn, Research
Associate at the Worldwatch Institute in Washington DC
Mario deSantis' note: if you read the following
speech by Sir John Browne, you don't have to remember it:
http://www.iue.it/RSC/BP/BP-speech.htm |