"The task before us is to draw upon the ingenuity of all
Canadians to ensure... that our health system meets the challenges
of the 21st century."--Roy Romanow, Commissioner on the
Future of Health Care in Canada
We have been writing on the BIG LIE of the Gospel of the Free
Market preached by our neoclassical economists, on the collusion
between governments and big corporations to sustain the BIG LIE with
Bush&Co.'s war against terrorism, and just lately we have been
asserting the understanding that lying has become a cultural
phenomenon as American presidents and Cardinals may have been lying
under oath, and as the White House is presently lying about their
knowledge of terrorist threats leading to the 9-11 attacks.
We started our writing on Ensign
focusing on the corruption of the health care system in Saskatchewan
and then we proceeded on to identify the chronic lying of the
Romanow administration in Saskatchewan.
Now imagine how we can fix the Canadian health care system when
its fixing will be the result of Romanow's report on health care to
be presented to the federal government this coming Fall. We are
being lying to by our expert gurus and yet we are powerless as we
are all enslaved on this planet by the BIG LIE of the Free Market.
Romanow's Saskatchewan has been the most regressive province in
Canada as thousands of people have been leaving this province and as
the rural economy has been redimensioned.
We understand the shortcomings of the war economy peddled by the
Bush administration. Today, I learn that the business SAIC (Science
Applications International Corporation) is advising the White House
in matters concerning technological and information security; as a
consequence, I am really flabbergasted as I realize that
Saskatchewan Health was first militarized when the Saskatchewan
Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) entered into a
contractual agreement to have SAIC implement the Saskatchewan Health
Information Network (SHIN). Only now we can understand that SHIN was
a hole in the ground as SAIC was digging deeper into the pockets of
Saskatchewan people with the collusion of the Romanow's government
and SAHO.
Pertinent article on Ensign
Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada http://www.healthcarecommission.ca/default.asp?DN=cn=2,ou=Stories,ou=Suite247,o=HCC
The Lying of the Bush Administration on 9-11: The Apex of
Corruption Mario deSantis, May 22, 2002 http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantisArticles/2002_600/desantis644/lying.html
Premier Roy Romanow: a Magician? a Saviour? a Cheater? Mario
deSantis, July 14, 2000 http://ensign.ftlcomm.com/desantisArticles/2000/desantis192/Romanow-Jul13.html
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a Fortune
500 company, is the largest employee-owned research and engineering
company in the nation. We provide information technology, systems
integration and eSolutions worldwide. SAIC is a member of the
National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC)
Premier Romanow: Militarizing Health Care and Killing Rural
Saskatchewan, Mario deSantis, March 20, 2000 http://ensign.ftlcomm.com/desantisArticles/2000/desantis142/rural.html
Corporate fact sheet about
SAIC winter magazine of last year
telling about their various projects.