We have been privatizing water and we are commodifying the sky as
the US develops the Missile Defence System and in the meantime I
learn that the private Carlyle Group, a defense contractor business,
is the preferred bidder to buy part of the British defense research
I am asking myself where we are heading.
Now we must understand that the Bush family has an interest in
the Carlyle Group and that this group makes money out of its
connection with governments, industry and the military.
When we learn that Carlyle has experienced a rate of return of
approximately 36% since 1987 on some $6.4 billion investment then we
understand that this company is pilfering money from common people.
The Carlyle Group is neither a speculative company nor a
profiteering company as this company makes money in absence of risk
and in the presence of war.
This world is getting embedded into an increasing war economy as
I learn that some 435 pension funds have entrusted their money to
Carlyle while at the same time the collapse of Enron, World Com and
of other corporations have caused the loss of retirement funds for
many people. In particular, the California Employees Retirement
System (CalPERS) has some $730 million invested in Carlyle. Do we
wonder why a significant number of Americans support a war against
Do we have any doubt why President George Bush and Prime Minister
Tony Blair are concocting an attack on Iraq as soon as possible?
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
MoD rejects fears over defence sell-off by Philip Pank and
agencies, September 5, 2002 The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,786712,00.html
BUSH, BIN LADEN AND THE CARLYLE GROUP Infowars http://www.infowars.com/resources.html#CARL
Crony Capitalism Goes Global (Carlyle) by Tim Shorrock, April 1,
2002, The Nation http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020401&c=1&s=shorrock
CalPERS, Carlyle profit from Afghan war by David Lazarus,
December 2, 2001, Francisco Chronicle http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/12/02/BU172807.DTL
Fraud Inc. CNN Money, http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/corruption |