Learning Stories
Mario deSantis


deSantis Stories

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my country.” - -The Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960

The whole judicial system is at issue, it's worth more than one person.”--Serge Kujawa, Saskatchewan Crown Prosecutor, 1991

The system is not more worth than one person's rights.”--Mario deSantis, 2002

Ensign Stories © Mario deSantis and Ensign



Page 9

Learning Stories by Mario deSantis
Illustrations and Images by Timothy Shire



Bush's Slippery Slope: Ending with Impeachment? Thursday, July 17, 2003 (story 801)
Up until now there have been complaints and accusations but the bald face lie in the State of the Union address has changed the tone of concern as Americans are beginning to realise that maybe something should be done about the warrior president who lacks fiscal responsibility.


The GREED of the Free Market Is Not a Matter of Public or Private Services: SHIN and SAIC, Romanow and Robinson; Monday, July 21, 2003 (story 802)
Guilt by association, at least motivation by association seems to be the underlying theme as Mario reports on the cozy association Saskatchewan's government has had with one of the world's leading arms dealers and developers.


The Gospel of Fairer Taxes in Accordance with the Preachers: Mr. Robinson and Friar Thomas d'Aquino; Wednesday, July 23, 2003 (story 803)
The motivation behind the policies advocated by some of the "experts" needs to be questioned. Mario suggests that the way of thinking may even be a problem as the problem may not even be the problem.


Our Own Understanding Is Better than the Managed Objective Truth: The 9-11 Attacks, Al Qaeda and Iraq; Friday, July 25, 2003 (story 804)
American politicians are struggling with what constitutes the truth and what to do about apparent deliberate attempts to give the public impressions of things that are not even close to reality. This story includes some outstanding references and needs your full attention.


The No-Fault Insurance of the Free Market: No fault with Dr. Cassidy, SGI, University of Saskatchewan and Dr. McLennan; Wednesday, August 13, 2003 (story 805)
Three years ago we figured out that the provincial insurance company was using the University of Saskatchewan to create some evidence for their no fault scheme. Now the research has been declared invalid by the University's ethics committee but the fools are still circling the wagons and the University's credibility and ability to attract research is history.


The Game Theory of Policy Analysis Market (PAM): Bush's Attempt to Make Terrorism a Commodity of the Free Market; Wednesday, August 13, 2003 (story 806)
Mario deSantis developed this remarkable story over a week ago but we were unable to get it to you until now. Sometimes, and this is one of those times real events are much wilder than anything anyone could dream up as fiction.


An Upside Down World Led by the Finest Liars; Friday, August 22, 2003 (story 807)
Prior to the US invasion of Iraq there was no terrorism in the country now it is an everyday occurrence, as the country is still almost entirely without power, unemployment is the norm and now even the UN attempting to bring aide to the place has taken a serious hit as the man who had been expected to succeed the Secretary General is a victim with many others including two Canadians. Mr. deSantis leads us to consider some of the underlying issues, be sure to check out the references.


Thank You Again Professor Paul Krugman: Some Clarity on the $38 Billion California Budget Deficit; Sunday, August 24, 2003 (story 808)
Californians got seriously burned in the ENRON scandal which was partly to blame for the energy crisis their state experienced. The campaign is on to oust the governor but Professor Paul Krugman suggests that the truth may be getting in the way of a good campaign. This one you have to read the references to get the story.


Eduardo Galeano's Deep Understanding of U.S. Unsecure Prosperity: Defending the Dollar by Sending Marines and by Assuming Markets; Friday September 5, 2003 (story 809)
Mario deSantis wrote this story Wednesday, it is important to note this fact because today several world economists in an international meeting in Calgary reported their extreme distress at the US economy which appears not only to be in serious trouble but is also running up the biggest deficit in recent history. Several US politicians referred to the growing unemployment and rising debt yesterday while the Dow dropped 84 points today.


A World Turned Upside Down: Bush's $87 billion for Iraq, the Scandal of the Century in Saskatoon; Thursday, September 11, 2003 (story 810)
If you think you understand what is going on in this world you just haven't been paying attention. Strange things and even stranger reasoning seems to propel the world and its people, though it would nice if this were forward, the evidence is that regression is now the norm


The Bush Administration's Policies: Against Elimination of Poverty, Against the Development of Democracy; Friday, September 12, 2003 (story 811)
An analytical explanation of the divided world through the understanding of the exponential curve in the Free Market. Noted author, with several books online Dr. J. W. Smith is quoted in this story with references to the important issues which he and his institute are so deeply concerned.


China Is Growing by Waging Peace, the Bush Administration Is Regressing by Waging War; Thursday, September 18, 2003 (story 812)
In this story Mr. deSantis gives you the broad strokes of something that seems ironic and that is that China is doing well by maintaining peace with its neighbours. To fully appreciate this concept be sure to look over the references he has provided you.


Understanding Bush's Bloody Dollar and American Foreign Policies; Sunday, September, 21, 2003 (story 813)
You must read this story carefully because both in Geoffrey Heard's explanation and in the references for this story is the basic conditions that are allowing the United States to muddle along deeply in debt and still considered the world's strongest economy.


IMF and World Bank: the International Business of Privatisation; September 23, 2003 (story 814)
This brief story summarises the underlying issues that affect the development of the third world which is supposed to be one of the goals of these American dominated institutions. Check out the references as we have included some actual news stories from Dubai with a viewpoint from that part of the world.


Exporting the American Democracy in Iraq: The Free Market of Deregulation and Privatization; Friday, September 26, 2003 (story 815)
Mr. deSantis has spotted an interesting inversion both criminals being placed in power and dogmatic imposition of economic formats that are site specific. What works in America is not necessarily what will work in Iraq, Afghanistan to Venezuela. The references on this story are exceptional and give you an opportunity to explore this topic much more fully than an interpretive summary.


Bridging the Divide of an Upsidedown world: Critical Thinking with System Dynamics; Monday, September 29, 2003 (story 816)
The devolution of the third world continues largely orchestrated by the United States as it sells more weapons than any other country and the gap between rich and poor widens. Perhaps its time to think of this problem some other way.


American Wars as an Expansion of the Privatisation of the Free Market: John Pilger Shows the Truth Behind the War on Terror; Wednesday, October 1, 2003 (story 817)
The evidence is piling up and the extent of the cruel lies and the consequences are coming home to roost in the American government's leadership. This story includes a link to a streaming video by John Pilger that documents what is really happening.


The Race to the Bottom of the Free Market; Thursday, October 2, 2003 (story 818)
It seems that to increase profits, the goal of business, is resulting in a never ending search for lower and lower wages that increases the widening gap between extreme wealth and extreme poverty, world wide. To add to this exaggerated devolution the United States has reintroduced warfare as a business strategy.


The Free Market of Journalism: Leonard Asper; Friday, October 3, 2003 (story 819)
The Global television network and most of Canada's newspapers are controlled by the Asper family from Winnipeg. Yesterday, Leonard wrote an editorial in which he spells out what he thinks about things and it is implied that his employees if they wish to remain employees had better agree. Mario deSantis has provided you with a link to this interesting document and gives us his impression of the implications.


China's Economic Experience: Social Tension, Controlled Privatization and Sustained Economic Growth; Tuesday, October 7, 2003 (story 820)
We are so often told that there is only one way to success and that's the American way. This story and the referenced material it relies upon suggests that quite the contrary is true. There are many ways for a country huge or tiny to find success in its own way unique to its culture and traditions.


American Trade Deficit and Jobs Losses: Econometric Correlation to the Undervalued Chinese Currency 'yuan/renminbi;' Wednesday, October 8, 2003 (story 821)
Economists and political commentary on television love to use number to support their arguments and points of view. Ultimately, this practice is truly misleading and ignores so many contribution factors which, had they been considered, would have lead to quite different conclusions. The United States is in financial trouble and blames China for its woes when it is the cause of its own problems. This story explains the missing parts that CNN's Lou Dobbs should have been able to explain, but could not. As always, Mr. deSantis has provided you with some amazing references that deal with this issue and what it means for the world economy.


We Have Found the Enemy and It Is the United States: Americans Attack the Chinese Weapon of Undervalued Yuan; Friday, October 10, 2003 (story 822)
The intention by United States and Israel to push for a regime change in Syria is now taking shape and at the same time the economic forces are festering in the United States as that country has identified the Chinese Yuan as the culprit that is hurting its self abused trade deficit world position. This story gives you the facts and the sources that will allow you to much more fully understand the economic basis for this problem.


The Division of the Free Market, Geo-Politics and Religious Dogmatism; Monday, October 20, 2003 (story 823)
The United States Deputy minister of Defense is an active General in the United States Special Forces yet claims that God put the US president in power and that he is confident because his God is bigger than the enemy's God. This is not a joke.


Another Democratic Step Forward in Bolivia: Gringo Gony Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada Has Gone; Tuesday, October 21, 2003 (story 824)
Once more the oppression of colonialism and exploitation by the developed world has been sorted out as Bolivia changes presidents and the pro-American former president flees to Miami. This story is accompanied by borrowed images from various news sources taken yesterday and some outstanding references that document the story.


The Free Market Needs Restructuring and Conventional Economists Need a New Mind: People before Money, Employment before GDP; Friday, October 24, 2003 (story 825)
Throughout the world the economic situation for all developing countries has been a failure for the past twenty years, since the prominence of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund with one single exception, China. This very well researched article with its references exposes the deep set cause for so much resentment and hostility toward the world's only remaining superpower.


Is this NDP Saskatchewan Government a Jerk? The Hiring of SAIC and the Protecting of Police Superintendent Brian Dueck; Tuesday, October 28, 2003 (story 826_1)
Based on the decision by the government to continue to waste money on the SHIN project and use a United States military contractor SAIC while still failing to do anything about the mess within the justice system, Mr. deSantis does not want to see the NDP government re-elected.


The politics of Deception and Manipulation in Changing Economic Structures: Saskatchewan Politics, Professor Shadia Drury and the Bush's Straussians; Thursday, October 30, 2003 (story 826_2)
A University of Saskatchewan Professor has spotted the problems that stem from political leaders assuming a role as authoritarian know it alls and what happens when they mislead their followers. This story has some fascinating ramifications and you owe it to yourself to find out about Leo Strauss and Professor Drury.


Michel Chossudovsky Discerns the Trees from the Forest: The State Is Financing Its Own Indebtedness; Tuessday, November 4, 2003 (story 827)
A loop develops whereby the financial industry and industry itself begins to hold the debt of the government and so holds the governmental structures accountable to their interests. This twist in democracy explains the politicians inclination to serve business rather than voters.


No Fault (Tort Reform) Auto Insurance in Canada: Hypocritical Regulations to Appease the Free Market; Thursday, November 6, 2003 (story 828)
Ontario and Alberta have private insurance, astronomical rates and governments determined to reduce coverage to protect the motorist from high rates and the insurance companies from their own investment stupidity, so much for the natural consequences of the free market.


The Latest on Bush's Economic Exports: War and Democracy; Friday ,November 7, 2003 (story 829)
Congress and Senate have approved the $87.5 billion in funds to rebuild Iraq as American corporations harvest the profits from the process and the US president is now talking as though he wants to do the same thing for China.


A World of Hypocrisy: Bush's Lies and U.S. Crony Capitalism; Friday, November 14, 2003 (story 830)
There is a climate that is arising and even though we share in the pride of the high thoughts of our former and new Prime Minister they come in the light of the sad betrayal of Maher Arar and William Samson. It is this divergence of reality that confounds us and Mario really only hints at the widening gap between what is really happening and what we are being told. The United States has created a mess and is about to make more mess by abandoning the country they destroyed over the lies they have told. Similarly their economy is crumbling while we are told they are recovering. This short story has some powerful references that give the exploring reader a chance to see more clearly what is indeed happening.


The Big Farce of Free Speech in the Free Market: President George Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; Wednesday, November 19, 2003 (story 831)
Weapons of mass destruction, regime change, freeing the people of Iraq from a dictator all of these excuses to go to war seem so hollow now as it becomes increasingly apparent that none of those things were the objective. Now they flail away with rhetoric about terrorism when they themselves define terrorism as attacks upon civilians while their forces are the only forces attacking civilians and the people of Iraq are fighting back against soldiers and they call that terrorism. You would wonder how they can go on day after day telling these tales, tales that even they can not believe.


Bush's Advance of Freedom: The Soul of American Capitalism; Sunday, November 23, 2003 (story 832)
This story just gives you a hint of the very disturbing political issue that is endangering our little planet. Mr. deSantis has provided you with an outstanding list of references that go far beyond supporting the points he makes but gives you an opportunity to research the serious problem that faces mankind.


The Ingredients of American Bloody Capitalism: GREED, HYPOCRISY, WARS. Will the Carlyle Group Salvage Lord Black's Hollinger? Tuesday November 25, 2003 (story 833)
The arms financiers and weapons dealer company the Carlyle Group is not a matter of fiction but a real corporation and this story shows you who is in that company. Their latest project is to sort out one of their fellows, Lord Black and his Hollinger company.


The Free Market according to President Bush and His Brother Neil: Short Term Gains and Long Term Pains; Thursday, November 27, 2003 (story 834)
This story and its references is hinting at a disturbing problem with human nature. It seems that like leopards humans are pretty much the way they are if raised in a specific mindset and culture there is little chance of them being able to alter their perception and means of dealing with the world.


Preempting Further Bush's Capitalism Against Humanity: Throwing Out of Office President Bush; Friday, November 28, 2003 (story 835)
The family that capitalises . . . These Texans have a grip not only on their country but are gravely involved in attempting to do serious damage to the world.


The Hypocrisy of the American Free Market and the Fallacy of Productivity: Agricultural Subsidies, Steel Tariff, Quota on Bras, and Casualties of Wars; Wednesday, December 3, 2003 (story 836)
Though the Americans preach the wonders of the free market system yet at every turn they do everything possible to undermine and conflict with that same system when it is not to their advantage. This story has outstanding references that illustrate the points made.


Congratulations for your "Foot in Mouth Award" Mr. Misleader Rumsfeld! Saturday, December 6, 2003 (story 837)
We all chuckled at the convolutions of the American Secretary of Defence's responses but it now is official his "unknown knowns" recitation has been rewarded with the "Foot in Mouth Award".


The United States Is Officially Breaking the Constitutionality of the Rule of Law; Sunday, December 7, 2003 (story 838)
This dramatic series of quotes points out the dangerous cross over the world's remaining superpower has taken as it now considers only it to be able to judge what is right and unless the issue is in that country's interest it will carry out whatever action it chooses.


Al Gore Endorses Presidential Candidate Howard Dean: An Opportunity for Peace and a Just American Community; Friday, December 12, 2003 (story 839)
Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont seems to be taking the lead in the American Democratic nomination process and further gathered momentum this week when the Democratic candidate from the last presidential election Al Gore endorsed Dean because of his appropriate attitude toward the Iraq mistake.


The Ultimate Deception of Bush's Free Market: "You Are Either With Us or Against Us;" Saturday, December 13, 2003 (story 840)
The American press and news media are now beginning to take some hard shots at the American President and what his policies are doing both to the economy and the credibility of the country in general. Ultimately the Americans have to accept the contempt that they as a people are going to be viewed for their conduct during this first part of the century. This story hurls out the points you must ask yourselves and the references provide you with some unpleasant answers.


A Deeper Free Market in Canada: Charest Fights for His Privatisation of Quebec; Sunday, December 14, 2003 (story 841)
It appears as though the government of Quebec like that of British Columbia has begun a process of reducing the numbers of public workers and reducing the earns of those still employed while moving more government services into the private sector. The unfortunate facts are that there is no evidence to support the economic positive affects of such action while at the same time the public will be subjected to strikes and the kinds of problems that brought Ontario situations like Walkerton and the inability of Toronto to deal with a medical crisis.


The Malfeasances of Bush's Free Market: Halliburton's Profits and Failure to Securitize the Iraqi Army; Monday, December 15, 2003 (story 842)
Something is very rotten in the state of Iraq as Vice President Cheney who still gets $400,000 a year from his company Halliburton each year is charging many times more than a reasonable profit for services and products while the Iraqi Army looks to be very suspicious. Can anyone say "Vietnam?"


Bringing Peace at Christmas with our Hopes and Work; Wednesday, December 24, 2003 (story 843)
A message of peace and hope.


Europe and Italy; Wednesday, December 31, 2003 (story 844)
Mario is a regular serious contributor to this site and today he is bringing us a little humor. We all know how intense Mario and his fellow country-men can get but it is equally true that a fine sense of the idiosyncrasies of Italians and their way of life.


The Scandal of the Century: Saskatchewan Authorities Found Guilty of Malicious Prosecution; Monday, January 12, 2003 (story 845)
The trial is over and the judge has ruled that the prosecutor, the police investigator and a therapist all worked together to maliciously prosecute a number of people sending one person to jail for a crime that not only did the accused not commit but a crime that never ever occurred. This story gives some insight into the thoughts that went into the judge's decision.


The Hypocrisy of Conventional Economic Gurus: Exporting America and Combating Terrorism; Tuesday, January 13, 2004 (story 846)
This story and its wealth of references point out the peculiar and conflicting conclusions that the economic gurus have drawn about the negative economic conditions that are engulfing the world as a result of the selfish behaviour of the United States.


Despotism and the Hypocrisy of the Top 1% class: A game of Lies at the Expense of People at Large; Wednesday, January 14, 2004 (story 847)
This story is just a brief summary of the research that went into its conclusions. It is clear that there is something very rotten in the republic to the South of us as the wealth of that nation is consolidating in only the smallest minority of people. This is not just an American problem because a similar trend is occurring here, it is simply unavoidable because of the integrated economy that has evolved.


Privatising Justice at the Expense of Public Interest: President Bush, Saskatchewan Justice Minister Frank Quennel, Premier Berlusconi; Thursday, January 15, 2004 (story 848)
The equation that determines who is being served by governmental action is something that so often seems much less apparent than it should. The assumption that we have government and authority to serve and protect the over all good for all people is so often discretionary and sadly sometimes just plainly self serving by the elected official.


Bush Promises the Moon, But Where are the Jobs? Sunday, January 18, 2004 (story 849)
As part of his election strategy the US president is promising America to return to the moon and put Americans on Mars. Here is a practical look at these promises.
Note: This is an article by Mark Weisbrot


Servant Leadership and Common Sense versus Selfish Leadership and Specific Clarity: The case of the demented Saskatchewan Justice; Tuesday, January 20, 2004 (story 850)
The astonishing refusal of the Saskatchewan Government to accept the overwhelming decision by the court on malicious prosecution of the Klassen family really calls into question the whole point of government. The ruling was completely and totally in favour of the Klassen family and the idea of rule of law should be the guiding principle but apparently there is a lesson to be learned here.


One Condition for World Social and Economic Growth: The United Sates Must Learn from the Principle "Give More, Take Less;" Thursday, January 22, 2004 (story 851)
It is a pretty long stretch to imagine the United States acting as former Prime Minister Chretien once suggested "be nice". But this story suggests that the country that most threatens peace on the planet has to re-evaluate its behaviour if things are going to improve. Martin Luther King was murdered in that country but he was leading at the time of his death a crusade to make the changes needed.


Deflation Is a Natural Phenomenon of the Global Market: More emphasis on Full Employment and Purchasing Power; Friday, January 23, 2004 (story 852)
This week when the Governor of the Bank of Canada announced the reduction in the Canadian interest rate he asked Canadian businesses to "increase the productivity". Indeed, he like so many present day economists worship a false god called "GDP" and when the Free Market deals them a natural consequence their response is to fiddle with the economic monster they have themselves created.


The Madness of Privatisation: The Root of an Injustice System, in Saskatchewan and Elsewhere; Thursday, January 29, 2004 (story 853)
This is a very complex article as Mario deSantis explains that private and public good can be extraordinarily confused and this should not be the case. Read this story carefully and check out the wealth of references the help to explain the problem.


Manufacturing Truths Out of Hypothesis and Out of Duplicities; Monday, February 2, 2004 (story 854)
Logic is an unforgiving thing and we are being asked to forego logic so that new situations do not make the past the lie that it most surely was. If there were no weapons of mass destruction then what possible reason was there for a war with Iraq. It is now established, there were no such weapons.


Bush Orders Intelligence Inquiry: A Cover Up on Top of Another and of Another… Wednesday, February 4, 2004 (story 855)
There is no surprise that Americans are about to look a little deeper into the actions of their government as it relates the Iraq War and the attempt to blame it on faulty intelligence is the latest gamble to deflect the hard and serious finger pointing that is going on as the United States is into its election year.


Bush’s Machiavellian Democracy in Iraq and an Extravagant American Economy; Thursday, February 5, 2004 (story 856)
It seems impossible for the American dream to have much of a future as the simple logic that Free Market and democracy are incompatible concepts.


On Democracy of Free Market, Frame of Language, Criminalization of Malice; Tuesday, February 10, 2004 (story 857)
When its dog eat dog, a level of merciless develops, everything is a fight and everyone loses. Democracy is not about economic cannibalism, but the economic forces that are at the root of the dog fight are less than human.


Is There Any Malice in Bush's Newspeak? Thursday, February 12, 2004 (story 858)
The economic woes of the individual citizens of the United States are far more concerning in this election year than foreign wars and security. There are so many Americans out of work and so many who have simply quit looking and this is what makes the president's statement last Sunday seem nasty to the point of being malicious.


A World of Newspeak: Cocio-Economic System for Looking after Number One and after Profits; Saturday, February 14, 2004 (story 859)
Living in the approach of World War II George Orwell wrote about a frightening world where the official line was accepted even thinking against the government was a crime. As thing seem to spin further and further beyond what could possibly be considered a real world it looks an awful lot like the world George Orwell was describing in his novel.


Have Governments Reduced their Citizens to Doublethinkers? Wednesday, February 18, 2004 (story 860)
The frightening reality is that Orwellian thought, so much a part of the 1930s, that George Orwell dramatised in his novel 1984, seems like the environment of today. War is peace, freedom is slavery and as this story points out the power of "doublethink" is becoming common place.


Bush’s Tax Cuts: A reductionist Economic Policy for a Reductionist Thinker; Friday, February 20, 2004 (story 861)
What is so hard to confront is the realisation that if we listen to what the US president and his government say it not only doesn't add up it doesn't make any sense either.


The Orwellian state of Newspeak’s Doubleplusgood:The intersection of the privatised Rule of Law and Terrorism Sunday February 29, 2004 (story 861_2)
The black art of deception takes many forms and it seems that trimming and crafting the terms used to describe things and events has taken the lead in this never ending struggle to keep ahead of the truth. No part of a society is left unaffected when the words are the weapons.


The Roots of Economic and Social Divisions: Anti Social Banking Practices and Privatisation; Thursday, March 4, 2004 (story 862)
While in the short term there is economic ruin with more problems expected in the spring but there now is hope. Senator John Kerry will be the Democratic candidate to face Bush in November and it may be harder this time for him to fix the election.


The Questionable Use of 9/11 Images in Bush’s TV Ads: Was 9/11 Luck or Bush’s No Fault Government? Friday, March 5, 2004 (story 863)
Though many question the appropriate use of images from the 9/11 tragedy it is far more disconcerting to take into account the actions of the US government that may or may not have been linked to the event. The commission looking into the event is not getting much administrative cooperation and there may be a good reason for that.


The Steady George Bush Is No Match for the Reflective John Kerry; Monday, March 8, 2004 (story 864)
The American presidential election is now in full campaign mode and already the two leaders are decidedly different in their approach to things. Kerry thinks about things Bush deals with all things in his standard Texas way, brash, bold and boisterous.


The Bush Administration Breaks International Laws: First with the War against Iraq and now with the Ousting of Haitian President Aristide; Wednesday, March 10, 2004 (story 865)
The president of Haiti says he was forced out of office by the Americans and the US Secretary of State Colin Powell says he wasn't but then Mr. Powell thinks every truck in pre-war Iraq was a weapons factory. International law is real but the United States has chosen over and over to ignore any responsibility to the world and how things are legally done.


The Bush’s Crooked and Scary World of the Free Market: Haiti, Iraq… and More Terrorism; Thursday, March 11, 2004 (story 866)
Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator John Kerry was overheard muttering that Bush and his associates were crooked and scary. Mario deSantis points out that this has become an increasingly more crooked and more scary world each passing day with polarised ideologies even more dangerous than the days of the Cold War.


A Demented Mentality and Changing the Saskatoon Police Service: Cheers for Social Activist Sheila Steele and Police Chief Russel Sabo; Tuesday, March 23, 2004 (story 867)
The use of the term "demented" is not to slur mental health issues but rather to describe a way of thinking that would not be considered sane. It is very important to realise that the courts define sanity as having an understanding of the rightness or wrongness of an act. It appears that many decisions are made today as though there were no right or wrong and certainly no awareness of those conditions.


One Year after Bush’s War in Iraq: The Building of the Ominous Ideology "You're With Us or Against Us;" Tuesday, March 23, 2004 (story 868)
The US president and his team are attempting to debunk the highly critical allegations made against the administration by a senior retired official, Richard Clark, who will testify Wednesday in the 9/11 hearings. That war and the president's command of credibility have become a matter of ridicule and humour.


Bush’s ‘Permanent Tax Cuts’ Are Creating Bullish Bubbles: Low Interest Rates and Budget Deficits; Friday, March 25, 2004 (story 869)
A towering catastrophe is not something built in a short while but accumulates its instability until band aids and duct tape will no longer hold together what is essentially an unstable structure. The United States economy is based on the mass of its size and ignoring warnings low interest rates, tax cuts for the wealthy and a growing massive trade deficit are compounding to produce inherent instability that when it collapses will devastate the world economy.


The Search for the Truth Surrounding 9-11 Continues; Friday, April 2, 2004 (story 870)
This web site has expressed extreme concern over the Government of the United States and its behaviour leading up to and after the attack on September 11, 2001. Most of the truth is buried in attempts to blind the voters of that country from what happened and it has taken a long time for a commission to be established to even look into the problem. This story and its extensive references gives you a chance to sort some of these issues out for yourself.


The Values Brought to You by Privatisation: Corrupt Health Care in Saskatoon and Corrupt Canadian Politicians; Friday, April 9, 2004 (story 871)
The real conflict of our age is an ancient one as the struggle continues between selfishness and selflessness. The Saskatoon Emergency room doctor who warns of the dangers in his ER get fired and politics continues to be about power and not about the well being of people.


The Iraq War Is Not Right, People Die In Vain, and Bush Is the Real Evil; Thursday, April 15, 2004 (story 872)
The recent Bush press conference was intended to put the president in the active leadership role as the commission investigating 9/11 hearing grip the news. What the conference did was reveal the fuzzy and perhaps quite lost thinking of the American president while the latest offensive by Iraqi resistance has moved to a new phase by holding cities but also taking mercenaries as hostages.


Bush, the Armageddon Fundamentalist, Says: "I Haven't Suffered Doubt. History, We Won't Know. We'll All Be Dead;." Wednesday, April 21, 2004 (story 873)
One of America's most respected journalists has said in his book what Mario deSantis has been saying in this web site since 9-11 and now the added feature of the Saudi's manipulating fuel prices. I guess that's what friends are for.


War in Iraq: Using Statistics to Misinform and Prove Bush’s Divine Guidance; Monday, April 26, 2004 (story 874)
The built in features of the Free Market: corruption in politics and business, corruption in research for the purpose to maintain the status quo. Rather than an ever ending war against terrorism we need a never ending war against poverty, hunger, injustice.


Quennell’s Saskatchewan Justice: A System Stuck in the Seventies; Wednesday, April 28, 2004 (story 875)
The Saskatchewan Justice minister and the minister in charge of social services decided to send a letter from the both of them to the Saskatoon Star Phoenix in an effort to correct what they felt were inaccuracies in a story. Many wonder if their published opinions may have influenced the outcome of an ongoing court procedure.


Democracy Is neither Scientific Polling nor Privatisation, and We Don’N need to Compare Apples with Apples; Friday, April 30, 2004 (story 876)
The role of the citizen seems to be increasingly confusing as we get sucked into discussions that seem to rely upon pseudo-scientific polling while at the same time matters of serious importance to us all are fluffed over as high salaried officials cut vital programmes or the fundamental right to medical care is undermined by political and power struggle conditions in the country.


Bush’s Slippery Slope: Preemptive Wars, Violations of International Law; Friday, May 7, 2004 (story 877_1)
There is no feeling of victory in saying "we told you so" as you have read repeatedly on this site about privatisation and the misuse of language. Torture is now defined as "abuse" and one in every ten Americans in Iraq carrying a gun, is a mercenary, there are more of them than British soldiers. Sadly, this tragic and for want of a better term, "stupid" situation, must play out as the United States has plodded its way while being warned, into a point of no return and they have no exit plan.


Bush’s God Cannot Win the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People; Thursday, May 13, 2004 (story 877_2)
This article is a summary of a series of articles and material that paints a very unfavourable picture of our American neighbours. The Iraqi prison torture story is disturbing, but even more disturbing is the death of an American in Iraq, which has the timing, that suggests this was a sacrifice rather than execution, as it provides Americans with justification for their war crimes.


The Real Axis of Evil: President Bush and Privatisation; Tuesday, May 25, 2004 (story 878)
The Iraq expedition is definitely losing its popularity with the American public but it must be viewed in the context of other world events and when seen as part of the whole there is a realization that the world is a dangerous place as a result of American policies.


Change; Tuesday, May 25, 2004 (story 879)
This is a simple concept but one that needs to be thoroughly examined. Just like people who want to purchase an electric drill really don't want a drill, but want holes. So it is that once we get a handle on what the world is about we are in a better position to make changes.


The Hypocrisy of the Free Market: Running Public Policies as Private Businesses, the War in Iraq and Health Care in Canada; Wednesday, June 9, 2004 (story 880)
This story makes the point that perhaps what is at the root of the seemingly endless trouble we see occurring is the belief by leaders and the acceptance by the public that if all things were run like businesses all would be well.


Doug Saunders of Globe and Mail: A Little Bit of Hypocrisy Is Good; Monday, June 14, 2004 (story 881)
Ronald Reagan's death has brought back memories and the experiences of his two terms in office, Saddam Hussein's buddy as he was called in the Asia Times today. All of this brings us back to the present and the willingness we all have and seem to continue to accept rather large doses of hypocrisy.


Bush’s America: Lack of Moral Grounds and Consequential Violence; Saturday, June 19, 2004 (story 882)
It might be called stirring the pot as the President of the United States desperately wants to hold on to his role. It is negligence to blame he alone for the woes of America for indeed his followers must themselves accept responsibility for a never ending ever escalating cycle of violence. These people seem bent on murder and destruction and they are succeeding.


Bush’s Language: Lies and TIT for TAT; Sunday, June 27, 2004 (story 883)
The anger and disturbing direction of the United States government and the people of that country needs to be closely watched as things go from very bad to much worse.


Discerning the Language of Unity from the Language of Division; Friday, August 6, 2004 (story 884)
The appalling division among the people of the United States is something that affects people around the world as "we - they" teams are joined and there is no compromise.


To Bush: It's the Economy, Stupid! Wednesday, August 11, 2004 (story 885)
An impressive list of performers are going on tour campaigning against their president. The enormity of the inappropriate action taken by the Bush administration defies any explanation as to why he has any support at all.


Groupthink: A Tool to Hide the Big Lies of Sold Out Politicians & Co.; Friday, August 13, 2004 (story 886)
How could the most powerful nation on the planet blunder time after time and then claim it wasn't a blunder? The answer is remarkably simple, if a group of people with similar opinions consider a problem they may rely upon formulas and not bother to look at the facts or relevant information.


Gira Sole and a Racoon; Thursday, August 19, 2004 (story 887)
Prince Albert & Montreal : "Don't leave home without it!" No, we are not talking about a credit card, but something far more valuable, your camera. Those special once in a lifetime events can be shared with others if you have your camera along. In this story Mario and his brother Romano had their cameras with them and you get to experience the moment with them.


Democracy according to President Bush; Copyrighting Any Clip of the Public Interview of President Bush with Tim Russert; Friday, August 20, 2004 (story 888)
Absurd as it seems that NBC and the US president consider an interview as copyright material. Mr. deSantis suggest that this is the mentality and attitude that presents a serious threat to the people of this planet.


More than One Thousand Reasons to Uncover Bush's Presidency; Friday, September 3, 2004 (story 889)
An American book has been published listing the reasons why Bush should not be elected and among the more than a 1,000 reasons is one very well explained statement by Mario deSantis.


W’s Vision of Ownership Society: Wrong Choice, Wrong Direction and Wrong Leadership; Saturday, September 11, 2004 (story 890)
The American public has perhaps one of the most stark choices for a democracy like theirs. The polarization and confrontational attitude is wider and deeper than seen during my lifetime and the consequences will affect the whole world.


Jeffrey Simpson Preventative Economic Solution: More Money into Higher Education rather than Health; Tuesday, September 21, 2004 (story 891)
The worship to the god of "productivity " can lead some economists to draw conclusions and make suggestions that are simply not rooted in empirical evidence. Now that's a problem.


REFORM: Another Word for Covering the Assets of Businesses, Experts and Politicians; Saturday, September 25, 2004 (story 892)
The catch word for modern politicians is "reform" it seems that they believe that the public will buy a major overhaul of a programme rather than funding or supporting the programme the way it was originally conceived.


On the Myth of Economics’ Productivity Growth: Avoiding Taxes, Establishing Foreign Subsidiaries and Exporting American Jobs; Monday, September 27, 2004 (story 893)
: It is almost a matter of religious faith that if you are able to do more in less time with less resources then you are on your way to profits and economic heaven. This concept is a myth and this article shatters that myth.


Le 'Due' Simonette Bring Joy to Italy and Everywhere Else: there is Hope; Wednesday September 29, 2004 (story 894)
The release of the two Italian aid workers by Iraq fighters suggests that there may be much better ways to solve problems then fighting and killing.


Kerry’s vVsion of ‘Change Position’ and Bush’s Vision of ‘Certainty;’ Wednesday, October 6, 2004 (story 895)
Television commentators would not voice their comments about the success or failure of each candidate in last week's debate until they got the poll results to tell them what to think. That one factor tells you almost all there is to know about the American intellect and their powers of reasoning.


Today's Perception of Democracy: Understanding the Economics of Whims from the Economics of Needs; Tuesday, October 19, 2004 (story 896)
At the heart of this complex story Mr. deSantis is concerned at the awarding of the Nobel prize for economics to two rather mundane professors, one in California and the other in Arizona. The issue of what is better for the world is really what this is about and with many outstanding references you have the opportunity in this story to find out some truths for yourself.


Saskatoon’s Synchrotron: The Myth of a New Vision for Saskatchewan; Friday, October 22, 2004 (story 897)
Though many herald the official opening of the synchrotron as a major and significant development in this province and for all this country. Here is quite a different take on this project.


Dealing with SaskTel: Need of Clarity; Thursday, October 28, 2004 (story 898)
SaskTel's 2003 annual report goes on page after page dealing with changes to its accounting procedures and as customers we can see and notice the changes as charges and the way they are applied seem to alter from bill to bill.


On Current Spinning of Our Language in the United States and Saskatchewan: the Selling of Insignificant specific certitudes and Shifting the Blame; Tuesday, November 2, 2004 (story 899)
This story deals with a very serious matter, the whole way in which the world is presented to us and what is so often done with the basic facts so that we will accept the unacceptable. The whole story is included in the extensive references.


The Myth of Freedom by Focusing on Higher GDP Numbers: The Case of the Iraq War; Saturday, November 13, 2004 (story 900)
The excuses for waging war seem pretty trivial in all wars when weighed against the loss of human life. This past week the battle for Fallujah against Iraqi resistance fighters seems only another page in the continuing shambles that is American foreign policy.


The Widespread Injustice of the LOGIC OF POWER: From the United States to Canada to Saskatchewan; Monday, November 22, 2004 (story 901)
The law of the jungle seems hardly appropriate in a time such as our own and French President Jacque Chirac and member of parliament Carolyn Parrish are on the record denouncing the might makes right folks.


A Perception of the Disorder in the New World Order: Canadian Health Care, the Falling American Dollar, Universities’ Independence; Friday, November 26, 2004 (story 902)
Though Canada's health care system, the falling American dollar and the reliance of Canadian universities upon money from private business seem to be completely different topics Mr. deSantis is pointing out that this is our world and we have to accept responsibility for thinking things through and we need to object when the appropriate compromise between "need and greed" goes unchecked. This story needs some careful consideration and you will have to refer to the references to grasp the complexities of these inter-related issues.


A New Dawn for the Uranium Business in Saskatchewan: Don Ching, President and CEO of Cogema Resources; Wednesday, December 8, 2004 (story 903)
Saskatoon lawyer, Don Ching moves from the Saskatchewan Crown corporation, SaskTel, to become the CEO of a French government operation Cogema, one of the large uranium mining companies in the province.


Nuclear Power Is Not Safe, It Is Not Clean, It Is Not Economical; Thursday, December 9, 2004 (story 904)
Emotions run very high about this topic but we need to step back from the noise and check the facts. The proponents of this industry gloss over the glaring and utterly overwhelming dangers of the past, all of which avoided the ultimate disaster which is not just possible, but is inevitable.


Today’s Sarcastic Comics in economic Correlations: Bush Meets Berlusconi; Sunday, December 19, 2004 (story 905)
Things are not going economically as one might like but certainly they are consequences of very bad management and advise. Mario's story today gives a whole new meaning to the term "go long".


George Bush's Smarts and the Economy; Wednesday, December 22, 2004 (story 906)
Last week the Administration of the United States government held a conference on the economy and came up with some amazing decisions as they completely ignore the decline these same policies have already had on both the US and world economy.


The Miracle of Christmas and the Obtuse Notions of Paradox and Catch 22 in Today’s Economics; Friday, December 24, 2004 (story 907)
The is a dramatic need for perspective so that we see things over the long term and grasp the basic concepts of consequences that do not necessary occur simply because some other circumstances may have had some similarities.


The Breaking of some Myths for 2005 and Beyond; Thursday, January 6, 2004 (story 908)
Without paying attention to some fundamental issues we can very easily come to some very confused conclusions. This story attempts to point out some of those issues.


They Hypothetical Economist Lawrence Summers; Thursday, January 20, 2005 (story 909)
If there was ever a need for proof that the country to the south of us is sinking into the past, the head of one of their most elevated universities demonstrated an attitude toward woman that is insulting to half the people on this planet.


A Glimpse at Today’s Shameful Role of Intellectual Property Rights; Monday, January 24, 2005 (story 910)
This is indeed a glimpse of a much larger problem than it would seem at first. The process of turning everything into "property" of some sort was originally intended to benefit the few who produced what ever property they were intending to "own". The problem is this process has backfired and is resulting in intellectual, economic and social stagnation choking the life out of the society it was intended to protect.


Bush’s Wishes [BS] versus People’s Needs, that is War versus Peace; Thursday, March 3, 2005 (story 911)
There is a perverse reality that exists south of the border where excuses become facts and evidence is irrelevant if it does not suit the political agenda.


The Fault of the System (State), be it Saskatchewan, United States or elsewhere: Disregard of Individual Rights in a Further Privatized System (State); Thursday, March 17, 2005 (story 912)
Excuses and half truths mask the underlying motivations of much of the power base in an ever growing single big brother government of this world.


The Ideological Lies of Bush’s Tort Reform; Reform Is Nothing Else but Privatization on Behalf of Corporations; February 2, 2005 (story913)  Not published by Ensign.