"Can capitalism survive? No. I do not think it can."
-- Joseph A. Schumpeter
"The moral justification for capitalism lies in the fact
that it is the only system consonant with man's rational nature"
-- Ayn Rand
Our neoclassical economists tell us that we have infinite wants
and that we must use the moral forces of the Free Market
(Capitalism) to satisfy these infinite wants. And I ask if it is
fair to a have a financial stock speculator making money at the
expense of others to satisfy his infinitesimal want when three
billion people live with less than $2 per day.
There are wants and there are needs. The rich people of any
country want wants, and the poor people of any country need needs.
The neoclassical economists tell us that capitalism is the means to
get richer and satisfy our wants, and I don't believe that today's
capitalism is the right social tool to free billions of people from
their basic needs of food and shelter. And to support that today's
Capitalism is the means to make rich people richer and in the
process to spread a moral void in our society I provide the
following information:
-Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen plus Berkshire
Hathaway's Warren Buffet have a net worth larger than the combined
GDP of the 41 poorest nations and their 550 million people.
-The UN Development Program (UNDP) reports that 80 countries have
per capita incomes lower than a decade ago and that sixty countries
have been growing steadily poorer since 1980.
-In 1960, the income gap between the fifth of the world's people
living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest
countries was 30 to 1. By 1990, the gap had widened to 60 to 1. By
1998, it had grown to 74 to 1.
But our international renowned Peruvian economist Hernando De
Soto doesn't agree with the wrongs of today's Capitalism and says
that the poor faired quite well in the last 30 years as " in
Mexico alone... the poor today own assets worth $315 billion, seven
times the value of Pemex... In Egypt, the poor control some $245
billion of goods - 55 times the total foreign investment made in
Egypt over the last 150 years. All over the developing world, the
poor are inching toward a market society."
Our neoclassical economists continue to give us their numbers and
they need protection money. So, our De Soto doesn't feel safe in his
native Peru and therefore he has been peddling his economic theory
of 'paperized property rights' around the globe. In the meantime,
Peru has been experiencing, in the mid 90s, an external debt of some
$31.7 billion, representing 465.2 percent of exports of goods and
services and 53.9 percent of GDP.
And the lies of today's neoclassical economists continue.
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Project 2001: Significant
Works in Twentieth-Century Economic History (Joseph A. Schumpeter)
The Capitalism Site http://www.capitalism.org
Ownership Statistics: Why a Shared Capitalism is Needed...,
Shared Capitalism Institute, Jeff Gates & Christopher Mackin,
The Constituency of Terror, by Hernando De Soto, New York Times,
October 15, 2001 http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/15/opinion/15DESO.html
The Poor Man's Capitalist: Hernando de Soto, by Matthew Miller,
New York Times, July 1, 2001 http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/01/magazine/01DESOTO.html?pagewanted=1
PERU, World Bank http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/offrep/lac/perus.htm |