We are learning as we relate to each other in a circular fashion,
that is going over our experiences, learning and then acquiring new
experiences and learning again. Metaphorically, our learning is just
like navigating (not drifting!) in the vast ocean of information
available in the Internet and logically (and quite often
accidentally) hyperlinking from one web page to the next as we look
for new related web pages and as we go back to the old web pages for
the purpose of making some sense of whatever we discover.
Yesterday, late in the morning, I was writing about our supposed
great men who make history, and I pointed out that very often these
great men can be wolves dressed up in sheep's clothing, such as the
case of Dr. Henry Kissinger who wins the Nobel Peace Prize while at
the same time being fingered as a criminal against humanity. I
concluded this writing by saying "there are many more myths to
tear down as we work to reclaim our democracy."
Yes, there are many and many more myths to tear down as last
night I received the article "New Economy Cycle Ends, But Myth
Persists" by economists Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot, and as few
minutes ago I listened to US Attorney General John Ashcroft saying
that since we are at war he cannot release the names of the many
people detained as a consequence of the horrific September 11
I am asking myself "Was this war against terrorism declared by
Congress as per the US Constitution?" We are becoming all
brainwashed by the existence of many myths and by the use of a
distorted language, and therefore we must be aware of both our
deceptive politicians and our whitewashing corporate media. We must
be clear in our thoughts before taking any action.
Yesterday, responding to an editorial article of the
National Post supporting the dollarization of the American currency
for Canada so that we can enjoy a productivity growth equal to the
US, I re-emphasized that the notion of productivity is worthless in
the absence of having people employed. And today, I want to quote
Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot on what they think about this
American Productivity Myth which was supposed to be behind
the economic boom of the 90s:
All that new investment caused productivity to grow by leaps
and bounds. Since productivity the amount of goods or
services that an hour of labor can produce is the basis of economic
growth, this raised incomes across the spectrum. The virtuous
circle was completed by the response of the Federal Reserve: because
of the surge in productivity, we are told, the Fed didn't have to
worry about rapid growth leading to accelerating inflation. Thus the
Fed was able to lower short-term rates, and allow for a record-long
expansion, with unemployment falling to a 30-year low of 3.9
Sounds plausible, doesn't it? And familiar. Now let's look at
the numbers. Over the course of the business cycle, real
(inflation-adjusted) interest rates on mortgages and high-grade
corporate bonds fell by only 0.8 percent. This certainly doesn't
look like enough to stimulate an investment or housing boom, and it
wasn't. Housing barely increased at all, as a percentage of the
economy. And if we look at both investment components of GDP
(investment plus net exports), the investment share actually
declined slightly.
Productivity growth did increase, as compared to the business
cycle of the 80s. But it was still considerably lower than the
growth of the 50s and 60s business cycles. If we adjust for the
increased share of output that was used up in more rapid
depreciation mostly computers and software the productivity
growth of the 90s cycle does not even beat the 70s. And wage growth
for a typical worker was a paltry 0.5 percent a year. So
much for the "new economy."
"New Economy" Cycle Ends, But Myth Persists, by Dean
Baker and Mark Weisbrot. Article received by e-mail on November 27,
2001. This was distributed to newspapers by Knight-Ridder/Tribune
Information Services. |