Learning Stories
Mario deSantis


deSantis Stories

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my country.” - -The Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960

The whole judicial system is at issue, it's worth more than one person.”--Serge Kujawa, Saskatchewan Crown Prosecutor, 1991

The system is not more worth than one person's rights.”--Mario deSantis, 2002

Ensign Stories © Mario deSantis and Ensign


It was in October 1999 that I used for the first time the notion that the Government of Saskatchewan was not the result of the election as then supposed Liberal Party leader Jim Melenchuck joined the New Democratic Party to form a coalition government against the will of the Liberal electorate. And this Fall, my notion that this Government of Saskatchewan is a private deal has been reinforced as the Liberal Party chose a new leader in David Karwacki while MLAs Jim Melenchuck and Ron Osika chose to privately join the NDP government as independent members of the Legislature.

I have always been personally suspicious of the so called widespread importance of the private contract as I came to understand the abuses of this form of secretive contract as members of my family were sequentially and deterministically wrongfully dismissed in the so called Canadian public health care sector. I stated 'so called Canadian public health care sector' as while our health care is pseudo-public its top management abide to the Free Market philosphy, that is it is autocratic, oligarchic, regressive and they want to make money out of a public health care system!

I am realizing now that this notion to have governments as private contractual deals between the Few and Privileged is not specifically a Saskatchewan phenomena, but rather a world wide social and economic direction headed by the Chicago School of Economics: Free Market! Just ponder to the appointment of George W. Bush Junior to the Presidency of the United States by the Supreme Court, and to the fact that George W. Bush Junior has become the President of the United States with a minority of the electorate.

For me, this extension of the private contract to form governments is an indecent social and economic principle of the Free Market. I am now thinking to the privatization of the management of the Italian museums by the perceived fraudulent Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berslusconi. And I am now thinking to the US House Representative John Mica when he said that people are as good as the technology they use and that aviation baggage screeners should not be federalized so that the security of passengers can be assured by the flexibility of having screeners fired for poor performance. And I am now thinking to US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan when he recently said that if a country's laws prohibit the easy hiring and firing of staff, that will limit the number of entrepreneurs willing to invest in new technologies.

We are experiencing the excessive abuses of the Free Market as the mantra of privatization has led us to the new technology of patenting the manufacturing of human life while at the same time destroying people's lives.

Some references

Pertinent article published in Ensign

GOVERNMENTAL COALITION IN SASKATCHEWAN: A PRIVATE CONTRACTUAL DEAL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ELECTORATE? By Mario deSantis, October 2, 1999 http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantisArticles/desantis71/GovContract-Oct04-99.html

Vincent Bugliosi's "The Betrayal of America" Reviewed by Carla Binion http://www.onlinejournal.com/Books___Reviews/Binion060401/binion060401.html

The Breakdown of Democracy by elevating Technologies before People: polling, baggage screening machines, National Missile Defence system, by Mario deSantis, November 3, 2001 http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantisArticles/2001_400/desantis472/opinionpolls.html

Bush warns Congress over shrinking US economy, Michael Glackin business news editor (Mglackin@scotsman.com), The Scotsman http://www.thescotsman.co.uk/business.cfm?id=126420

The Chicago School http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/schools/chicago.htm

Nobel-winning economists hold un-Chicago views, David Greising, Chicago Tribune, Published October 12, 2001 http://chicagotribune.com/technology/columnists/chi-0110120316oct12.column