"Welcome to the billion dollar boondoggle circa 2002."--Walter
Robinson, Canadian Taxpayers Federation
"With God's help we officially embarked on the ship of
[Berlusconi's] Forza Italia."--Antonino Giuffre, turncoat
Mafia Boss
We have been writing on these pages of Ensign social and economic
stories for the purpose to recognize the need of changing our greedy
and hypocritical paradigm of being number one within the imposing
forces of the Free Market.
It is an absurdity to follow a number one philosophy in a world
which needs cooperation to alleviate poverty, eliminate wars,
promote justice and develop the self evident right to the self
determination of people and societies.
I have been focusing on the American Free Market as it is the
driving force of our major ills in the world, growing gap between
the rich and the poor, unrestrained greedy capitalism, division
among people, countries ravaged by constant warfare, people dying of
When I hear Walter Robinson, Director of the Canadian Taxpayers
Federation, saying that the Liberal government is corrupt I really
wonder if he understood anything about our social and economic
predicament. "We have met the enemies and he is us;" and as long as
we preach the Free Market we will never eradicate corruption as
corruption is endemic in the Free Market. Do you hear me Mr.
No, he will not hear me, he has too much to do in lobbying for
governmental tax cuts, the rejection of the Kyoto agreement, the
governmental misspending on the gun registry program and I wonder
what is the difference between Mr. Robinson or United States
President George Bush. These people are supposed to be the experts
yet they have no critical thinking.
Economist Dean Baker warned the business community of the
impending collapse of the stock market as the ratio of the price of
a share to corporate earnings per share were not reasonable and much
above the historical ratio of 15. And today, December 2002, we have
still gurus telling us to buy high tech stocks experiencing price
earning ratio ranging from 71 for Network Associates to 217 for
This is entrenched oligarchic greed of the corporative Free
Market and it is not a matter of amnesia as claimed by journalist
Matt Krantz of USA TODAY. Silvio Berlusconi became the richest man
in Italy by bribing his way to become Italian Prime Minister, only
to publicly learn now that he received help from his friends of his
friends of his friends.
I have exposed in the past the corrupt behaviour of our
Saskatchewan governmental and health care gurus. We covered the now
born again patriot Roy Romanow, former ministers Janice MacKinnon
and Pat Atkinson and many others along with health care gurus Hewitt
Helmsing and Brian Rourke and many others. My conclusion is this:
these gurus use their corruption as a strategic tool to serve the
power that be.
We have met the enemy and he is us.
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
Auditor General: gun registry costs to exceed one billion dollars
Report states that "Parliament was kept in the dark" on
"astronomical" cost overruns. Cost to taxpayers more than eleven
times the original 1995 estimate. Canadian Taxpayers Federation,
December 3, 2002 http://www.taxpayer.com/newsreleases/federal/December3-02.htm
originally appeared in Dollars and Sense October 1999 http://www.cepr.net/too_much_bubbly.htm
Baker, Dean, Dangerous Minds? The Track Record of Economic and
Financial Analysts, December 2, 2002 http://www.cepr.net/dangerous_minds.htm
Krantz, Matt, Investors seem to have a case of amnesia, (pdf) USA
TODAY, 12/4/2002 http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/ensign2/pdfarchive/USATDYAmnesia.pdf
Berlusconi implicated in deal with godfathers (pdf) Guardian
Unlimited, 05 December 2002
http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/ensign2/pdfarchive/GuardianBerlusconi.pdf |