“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear,
free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to
oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my
country.” - -The Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Canadian Bill of Rights,
“The whole judicial system is at issue, it's
worth more than one person.”--Serge Kujawa, Saskatchewan Crown
Prosecutor, 1991
“The system is not more worth than one person's
rights.”--Mario deSantis, 2002
Life is a process of discovery and as I am reading the book "The Art
of Systems Thinking" so many thoughts and diversions take me away
from this book. For example, this morning as I was reading chapter 4
when I came across the notion that in dealing with the reality of
complex systems (also known as chaos http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi652.htm),
just like our social and economic systems, 'small events can have
large consequences.' This thought of small events reminded me of
accountant Daryl Halbert who in the mid 80ies would attend my
different computerized accounting courses in Brooks, Alberta, even
though his understanding of computerized accounting was extremely
sophisticated. Once I saw Daryl again at the end of my first lecture
of yet another course I asked him "What are you doing here, you took
so many courses already with me?" And Daryl answered "It is enough
that I can get just an idea from this course and I will be happy,
and I have already got a new idea from you?"
Yes, small events are important, and out of curiosity I just
happened to navigate on the Internet and visit the web page LogEc
(http://logec.hhs.se/about.htm) where you can read and download
economic papers from all over the world. The paper about the "Death
of Neoclassical Economics" got my attention and as I casually read
it I realized how contemporary I have been in my past writings in
rebuffing conventional economists and conventional governmental
public policies.
In his paper, professor David Collander concludes that economics
is becoming more and more practical modeling, and that economic
theories are taking two complementary directions: the first
direction is the development of a general equilibrium theory based
on the evolutionary game theory, the second direction is found in
the work of complexity theorists who find the simplicity of our
economic relationships in the study of dynamics and iterative
At this point I have a soft sense of satisfaction as I already
expressed my reservation about the aggressive approach of game
theory and as I am following the more cooperative approach of System
Dynamics (really another term for Systems Thinking). Therefore, I
look at the challenges of deepening my interest in System Dynamics
and understand better a new needed social perspective to being able
to solve our economic problems.
Editor's note: Mario deSantis taught at
Medicine Hat College, Brooks Campus, in the 1980s
Other References
The Art of Systems Thinking: Essential Skills for Creativity and
Problem Solving by Joseph O'Connor, Ian McDermott, 1997 Thorsons
Collander, David, Death of Neoclassical Economics, (pdf) July
deSantis, Mario, The societal implications of the work of
scientists John Nash, Thomas Saaty and Jay Forrester:Game Theory
versus System Dynamics, July 27, 2002, Ensign
Lienhard, John, The Butterfly Effect, Engines of our ingenuity