"We were not lying, but it was just a matter of emphasis."--The
expression of truth by the Bush's White House
"Nobody is allowed to discredit the judiciary -
particularly he who, like the prime minister [Silvio Berlusconi], is
occupying the highest political job."--Statement from the
Italian National Association of Magistrates
"Hundreds of e-mails from all over Canada have agreed that
Superintendent Dueck and his [Saskatchewan] government collaborators
should be severely punished for criminal behavior."--Sheila
Steele, social activist
We have an economy on autopilot to feed the greed and wishes of
the rich and famous; we have a justice system on autopilot to feed
the professional and business careers of the injustice system; and
the United States has put in motion a foreign policy on autopilot
principled on its hegemonic power to wage wars and re-rebuild what
has been re-redestroyed.
Business must not be as usual and yet business is as usual as the
individual greed of the rich and famous has replaced our social
needs, as the money of corporations has replaced the health of
people, as the voice of taxpayers has replaced the voice of
citizens, as the free market has replaced the flow of ideas, as
science has replaced humanity, as free elections has replaced
civility, as privatization of resources has replaced our natural
wealth, as emphasis has replaced the truth, as war has replaced
peace, as the making of individual heroes has replaced the lives of
common people, as the fiction preached by the rich and famous has
become the reality of the new gospel of Bush's New World Order.
Top American investment firms have acknowledged their active
fraudulent participation in the recent stock market crash, big
businesses continue to feed their greed as Pigs at the Trough and
the justice system is becoming now privatized as Italian premier
Berlusconi defends his criminal parliamentarian friends of Forza
Italia and changes the Rule of Law on behalf of the rich and famous.
I am just thinking now of some readers commenting on how I mix
apples and oranges as I cursorily write from the Free Market to the
Bushes and the Berlusconis of the New World Order. And yes, I mix
apples and oranges, and what else is there to say about today's
world? Apply the patriotic meter of Bush's "with US or against US"
for the attack against Iraq or the justice meter of Berlusconi's
"Statute of Limitations" for Berlusconi's crimes? Maybe we all have
the just answer: Let us think together about it!
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
Cochran, John Reason for War? (PDF) April 25, 2003 abcNEWS
BBC NEWS Berlusconi blasts court for jailing ally, (PDF) April
30, 2002 http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2002_700/desantis792/BBC_Berlusconi.pdf
Steele, Sheila Rick Klassen still standing. September 8 set for
civil Trial of the Century http://www.injusticebusters.com
Olive, David Wrist slap a joke for these crimes (PDF) May 1, 2003
Toronto Star http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2002_700/desantis792/WristSlapTorontStar.pdf
Huffington, Arianna Pigs at the Trough Crown Pub; (January 14,
2003) http://www.ariannaonline.com/pigs/
Foot, John Dress properly and don't pay taxes January 11, 2003
The Guardian, http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,12084,871553,00.html
Willan, Philip Berlusconi silent at friend's mafia trial November
27, 2002 The Guardian, http://www.guardian.co.uk/italy/story/0,12576,848442,00.html |