"The fate of the world economy is now totally dependent on the
growth of the U.S. economy, which is dependent on the stock market,
whose growth is dependent on about 50 stocks, half of which have
never reported any earnings."--former Federal Reserve
Chairman Paul Volcker, September 1999
Canadian journalist Eric Margolis explains in a recent article
the cumulative cover up policies of President Bush as he writes
"He [Bush] is running a political Ponzi scheme: diverting the public
from the Enron and stock market swindles by invading Afghanistan,
then covering that mess by invading Iraq, and now trying to cover up
the growing Iraq disaster by fanning a new crisis with Iran."
Further, Margolis explains the hypocritical American foreign
policies in regard to the history of nuclear development in Israel
and Iran.
But where does this latest hypocritical American behaviour
against Iran originate? It is the American economy. The American
economy is in deep trouble, and the world economy is in trouble as
well. The Free Market has divided people and countries, and the Free
Market has also divided the economies around the world.
Our economic structures have become more dislocated around the
world and it is not possible to provide the economic development to
poorer countries with the present Free Market, where we have free
movement of money, of goods, of services and of copyrights, but no
movement of people. Also, manufacturing jobs have been progressively
relocated in poorer countries.
Economist David Korten wrote some years ago that in 1992 Michael
Jordan received $20 million from Nike corporation to promote the
sales of its shoes and he pointed out that such money was equivalent
to the total yearly compensation of the 75,000 thousands workers who
produced these shoes in poorer countries.
There is no way that this Free Market can alleviate hunger in the
world unless we all eat copyrighted genetically modified (GM) food
as President Bush has been telling the world recently.
The American economy is in trouble, its trade deficit is
accumulating at the rate in excess of US$500 billion and the budget
deficit is accumulating at this same rate of US$500 billion as well!
The after effects of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will be
costing the Americans some $54 billion per year for many years to
come, and yet there is no peace in either the Middle East or
In the meantime Africa, plagued by Aids and wars, has been
practically neglected. Iraq was the first country to adopt the Euro
for the sale of its oil. In the last twelve months the US dollar has
lost some 30 percent of its value against the Euro and therefore
more countries have started to hold Euro as part of their foreign
exchange reserve. Recently, Venezuela has begun the selling of its
oil in Euro, Iran is planning to convert the selling of oil in Euro,
and we can only imagine what would happen to the American economy if
OPEC countries would convert to Euro.
America is experiencing a big economic bubble ready to deflate;
the total world gross domestic product (GDP) was some US$33.5
trillion in year 2002, the United States had an economy of about
US$10 trillion in year 2002, the total world international import
trade was some US$8.7 trillion in year 2002, and the United States
imports about 19 percent of the total world international import
trade. All the world is in trouble and this is principally because
of the United States and the Free Market.
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
Margolis, Eric Iran's in the crosshairs of Bush's bombsight (PDF)
June 22, 2003 The Toronto SUN http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2003_800/desantis808/margolis.pdf
Korten, David FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY http://iisd1.iisd.ca/pcdf/corprule/failure.htm
Dauenhauer, Katrin Activists Say U.S. Manipulating Meeting to
Promote GM Food June 24, 2003 Inter Press Service, http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0624-01.htm
The Globe and Mail U.S. trade deficit swells (PDF) June 19, 2003
US Senator Ernest F. Hollings Delusional on the Deficit (PDF)
June 19, 2003 The Washington Post
Squitieri, Tom U.S. troops may be in Iraq for 10 years (PDF) June
19, 2003 USA TODAY http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2003_800/desantis808/squitieriUSAtoday.pdf
Carson, Roy Venezuelan move to replace US$ with the Euro
upsetting Washington more than Saddam's uro conversion last November
(PDF) June 18, 2003 Vheadline.com
Hunt, Steven The Euroization of Global Oil Currency: USA using
the Euro as rationale for destabilizing the Iranian government (PDF)
June 18, 2003 Vheadline.com http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2003_800/desantis808/ven_euroLtr.pdf
Butler, Amir The Euro And The War On Iraq March 29, 2003
AtrueWord.com, http://www.rense.com/general36/euro.htm
International Monetary Fund (IMF) The World Economic Outlook (WEO)
Database May 2001 http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2001/01/data/w1.csv
World Trade Organization (WTO) World trade slows sharply in 2001
amid the uncertain international situation 19 October 2001 http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres01_e/pr249_e.htm
CIA THE WORLD FACT BOOK 2002: UNITED STATES http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html |