We live in a confused world where brainwashing has become more
important than thinking for yourself.
We must re-learn to think for ourselves, against our demented
journalists, our demented buznessmen and our demented politicians.
This demented mentality can be uncovered by paying attention to the
corrupt language we are being brainwashed to use.
In international political science and in the Middle East, for
example, there would be only the duality of a future expressed as a
conflict of civilization or expressed as the supremacy of the peace
of the Free Market.
We understand the level of corruption of the Arab countries
allied with the United States and I am thinking now about the
political and economic predicament of oil rich emirate Kuwait. This
country has some two million people and its democracy is expressed
by a supposed elected parliament and a government made up of members
of the Al-Sabah family. A few days ago I was reading that many
Kuwaitis are public employees and that it is common for them to show
up at work just to collect their oily cheques. And you know what the
liberal Kuwaiti parliamentarians want? They want the end of
corruption via privatization, and this is what the Americans are
doing in the Middle East, trying to replace the tyranny of
dictatorship with the peace of the Free Market as brought by the
Americans in Iraq.
We are beginning to understand that the war in Iraq was sold to
the American and British people by the lies of President George Bush
and by the lies of Prime Minister Tony Blair. However, many
brainwashed people and our conventional brainwashing media negate
that Bush and Blair ever lied, but then I challenge our readers by
asking them what they can understand by this kind of language as
expressed by US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we
know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to
say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are
also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."
Pertinent articles published in Ensign
deSantis, Mario A Personal Experience: Knowledge Is Not
Transferred, It Is Constructed February 2, 1999 Ensign
Achenbach, Joel The Clash. Two professors, two academic theories,
one big difference. depending on which is right, September 11 may
mark a brief battle against terrorism, or an endless struggle
between Islam and the West December 16, 2001 The Washington Post,
Associated Press Kuwaitis Vote in Parliamentary Elections (PDF)
July 5, 2003 ABC News http://www.ftlcomm.com:16080/ensign/desantisArticles/2003_800/desantis812/kuwaitABC.pdf
Seely, Hart The Poetry of D.H. Rumsfeld April 2, 2003 Slate
Magazine, http://slate.msn.com/id/2081042 |